Published in IJCP
November 2018
Effect of Various Surface Treatment on the Push-out Bond Strength of Glass Fiber Posts Bonded to Human Root Dentin: An in vitro Study
November 04, 2018 | Avk Narene, P Shankar, A Karthick
This in vitro study evaluated whether surface treatment for glass fiber posts has an effect on the push-out strength bonded to
human root dentin. Fifty freshly extracted maxillary central incisors were endodontically treated and post-space preparation
done. A total of 50 FRC Postec randomly divided into five groups (10 teeth each) were subjected to four different surface
treatments: Silane only (II), cojet and silane (III), 10% sodium ethoxide and silane (IV), 10% hydrogen peroxide (V). The control
group (I) did not receive any surface treatment. The root canals were treated with 37% phosphoric acid and Excite DSC and all
the posts were luted with Variolink II dual cure resin. A push-out test was done to measure bond strength at different levels of
the root. Data were analyzed with one-way ANOVA and post-hoc Tukey HSD test. The results showed no significant difference
between control group and silane treatment. Cojet and silane (III) showed the highest bond strength of 15.50 ± 4.2 MPa, which
was statistically significant than all the other group (p < 0.001). The coronal segment showed the highest mean bond strength
of 13.74 ± 6.1 MPa (p < 0.001).