Published in IJCP April 2022
Lighter Reading
Lighter Side of Medicine
April 15, 2022 | ijcp


Emotional Management

When someone is doing something or is about to do something, in a way we don’t want it to be done and when we are not able to accept it, we become angry.

However, when someone is doing some­thing or is about to do something, in a way we don’t want it to be done – and we are able to accept it – we remain tolerant.

When someone has something which we don’t have, or someone is able to produce the results which we are not able to produce – and we are not able to accept it – we become jealous. When someone has something which we don’t have, or someone is able to produce the results which we are not able to produce and we are able to accept it – we get inspired.

Then emotional equation is quite simple.

Something + Acceptance = Positive Emotion

Something + Nonacceptance = Negative Emotion

So, it is not ‘something’ or ‘someone’ who makes us feel positive or negative, but it is our ‘acceptance’ or ‘nonacceptance’ of something or someone, which makes us feel positive or negative.

It isn’t the world but the quality of our response to the world that determines the quality of our emotions. Next time we feel disturbed with a negative emotion, instead of asking who or what is disturbing us, we should examine who or what we are resisting (not accepting) that is causing this disturbance in us. If we replace resistance (nonacceptance) with acceptance, the negative emotion will turn into a positive one.

Emotional management begins by stopping to blame that ‘something’ or ‘someone’ and starting to take the responsibility to respond life with ‘acceptance’



I charge you for overloading

A man driving home late at night in his Volkswagen beetle car was stopped by policemen on patrol. The police asked the man to produce his car document. When they could not fault the document, the next question to the man was: “My friend, do you realize that you committed a criminal offence by driving alone in this car at late night?”

The man became angry and responded: “How could you say that? God the father, the son and holy spirit, Prophet Elijah and Angels Micheal and Gabriel are all with me in the car.”

The policeman replied: “You mean, all these people are in this small car? I charge you for overloading!”

What It Means

Five-years-old Becky answered the door when the Census taker came by.

She told the Census taker that her daddy was a doctor and wasn’t home, because he was performing an appendectomy.

“My,” said the census taker, “that sure is a big word for such a little girl. Do you know what it means?”

“Sure! Fifteen hundred bucks and that doesn’t even include the anesthesiologist!”