Published in IJCP July 2022
Lighter reading
Lighter Side of Medicine
July 08, 2022 | ijcp


The Talking Bird

A fellow lived alone and went to a pet store to buy a parrot. He thought the bird might keep him company in his lonely hours. However, the very next day, he went back to complain that the bird didn’t talk.

The store owner asked if he had a mirror in its cage, and the man replied that he didn’t. The store owner said that parrots love mirrors. When he will see his reflection in the mirror, he’ll start talking. So, he sold him a birdcage mirror.

The bird owner came back the next day to complain that the parrot still hadn’t said a word. “That’s peculiar”, said the pet expert. He suggested that the bird owner should have a swing as birds really love little swings, and a happy parrot is a talkative parrot. So, the man bought a swing and installed it in the cage.

However, he was back the next day with the same complaint. The salesman asked whether he has a ladder in the cage. He suggested that once he has a ladder, he’ll probably start talking. So, the man bought a ladder.

The man went back at the pet store the next day. The owner knew something was wrong and immediately asked, “Didn’t your parrot like the ladder?” The bird owner said, “The parrot died”.

“I’m so sorry”, the store owner said. “Did he say anything?”

Well, yes. He finally talked just before he died. In a weak little voice, he asked me, “Don’t they sell any bird seed at that pet store?”

Some of us mistakenly believe that happiness lies in lining our cages with toys, gadgets, and other expensive stuff. Excessive consumption has become the hallmark of our life. Whoever has the most toys wins seems to be the rule. But is it actually so?

The spiritual hunger in the human heart that can’t be satisfied by seeing one’s own image reflected back in vanity mirrors, playing with our grown-up toys or climbing the corporate ladder. Our hearts yearn for real nourishment. The love of family and friends, relationships over the pursuit of more things, personal integrity, a secure connection to God are the things that feed the soul.



Dream of a necklace

After she woke up, a woman told her husband, “I just dreamed that you gave me a pearl necklace for our anniversary. What do you think it means?”

“You’ll know tonight”, he said.

That evening, the man came home with a small package and gave it to his wife.

Delighted, she opened it to find a book entitled “The Meaning of Dreams.”

Think about ME

Think big, Think smart,

Think positive, Think beautiful,

Think great, I know this is too much for you, so here is a shortcut.

Just think about ME…