Published in IJCP November 2023
Lighter reading
Lighter Side of Medicine
November 13, 2023 | ijcp


If and When

IF and WHEN were close friends. They met every week and had lunch. Their conversations were usually about the things they were going to achieve. They both had dreams and they would love to talk about them.

One Saturday when they met, WHEN could sense that IF was not in a good mood. They sat at the table reserved for them and ordered their lunch. WHEN asked IF, “IF what is wrong with you? You don’t seem your usual self?”

IF looked at WHEN and said, “I’m not sure; I just don’t feel like I am making any progress. I recently saw a course I wanted to take, if only I had the time to take it.”

WHEN could understand how IF felt. “Yeah”, replied WHEN, “I saw a course too and I will register when I get enough money.” WHEN went on to say, “What about that new job you were going to apply for. You were so excited about it. Did you apply?”

IF replied, “If my computer didn’t break down last week, I would have applied. I could not type my resume as my computer is not working.”

“Don’t worry about it IF, another job will come through. I have also been thinking about looking for another job, but I will wait. When the weather gets nicer, I will look then.” WHEN then told IF about his week, hoping that it would cheer him up. The man at the next table couldn’t hear WHEN and IF. They both were talking about when this and if that. Finally, he couldn’t take it anymore.

“Excuse me,” the man said. The two friends looked at the man and wondered what he wanted? The man said, “I’m sorry, but I just heard your conversation. I think I know how you could solve your problems.”

IF thought how could a stranger know how to solve their problems? If only he knew. IF asked the gentleman, “How do you think you can solve our problems?”

The gentleman smiled and said, “You only need listen to yourselves. It reminds me of an old proverb: ‘If and When were planted, and Nothing grew’.”

IF and WHEN looked confused. The gentleman smiled and said, “Start counting the times you use the words ‘if’ and ‘when’. Rather than thinking ‘if and when’, start doing, take action. Just stop talking about ‘if and when’.”

IF and WHEN looked surprised, and realized that the gentleman was right. Both of them were guilty of thinking, acting and living their life for the “if’s and when’s”.

The gentleman left and IF and WHEN’s conversation changed. They decided that when they met for lunch next week, there would be no “if’s and when’s”; they would only talk about what they accomplished!


An Addiction

Connie told her 4-year-old grandson not to jump on the beds. After several warnings she punished him, explaining that should he fall, he would hurt himself badly.

Several minutes passed and he was back to jumping on the beds.

Connie said, “You weren’t jumping on the beds again, were you?”

He stood with his little head dropped low and said, “I’m trying, but it’s so hard to quit.”