Study was initiated to study the presence of hepatopulmonary syndrome (HPS) in
chronic liver disease patients, and role of beta-blockers in its occurrence. Methods:
Patients admitted in Dept. of Medicine and patients attending the Medicine OPD
were examined and investigated for presence of HPS irrespective of its typical
clinical features as explained in the literature. Patients having ascites or
pleural effusion were managed by means of paracentesis and pleural tap first
and then included in the study. Patients having any other primary pulmonary
disease like bronchial asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease were
excluded from the study. Arterial blood gas analysis and contrast-enhanced
echocardiography was done to confirm presence of arterial hypoxemia and
pulmonary shunt, the diagnostic criteria. Results: During 1 year study,
total 125 patients were enrolled in the study after appropriate selection
criteria. Twenty-eight out of 125 patients were not taking propranolol.
Propranolol is contraindicated in these patients for one or two reasons. Four
out of these 28 patients developed HPS. One out of 97 patients who were on
propranolol developed HPS. Total 5 patients were confirmed having HPS. The
Fisher’s exact test statistic value is 0.008887. The result is significant at p
< 0.01. Conclusion: Patients of cirrhosis with portal hypertension on
treatment with propranolol were having significantly lower chances of
development of HPS then those without propranolol. Propranolol may have
preventive role for development of HPS.
Keywords: Hepatopulmonary syndrome,
beta-blockers, chronic liver disease
Hepatopulmonary syndrome (HPS) and
portopulmonary syndrome are two rare, but fatal extrahepatic complications of
chronic liver disease and portal hypertension. Till date, no definitive
treatment options are available for managing these complications. Few studies
claim liver transplantation as the definitive treatment. Flückiger in 1884 for
the first time recognized this clinical entity as complication of liver
cirrhosis. Liver disease, with presence of arterial hypoxemia evident on
arterial blood gas (ABG) analysis, and intrapulmonary vascular shunt as evident
on contrast-enhanced echocardiography or use of technetium-99m–labeled
macroaggregated albumin for lung scanning with quantitative brain uptake makes
the triad of HPS. Clinical presentations are nonspecific and may include
dyspnea on exertion or rest, presence of spider angiomas, clubbing, cyanosis,
and severe arterial hypoxemia. This study was conducted with the aim to
evaluate patients of chronic liver disease for presence of HPS. Diagnostic
criteria for HPS are given in Table 11. Retrospective data regarding
diagnosis and treatment were collected and evaluated for treatment given so far
for management of cirrhosis.
1. Diagnostic Criteria for the Hepatopulmonary Syndrome1
Oxygenation defect
Partial pressure of oxygen
<80 mmHg or alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient =15 mmHg, while breathing
ambient air
Pulmonary vascular dilatation
findings on contrast-enhanced echocardiography or abnormal uptake in the
brain (>6%) with radioactive lung-perfusion scanning
Liver disease
hypertension (most common) with or without cirrhosis
One hundred twenty-five patients with liver
disease of varied etiologies were enrolled in the study after appropriate
selection criteria. Patients with any evidence of primary respiratory or
cardiac disease were excluded. Cirrhosis and portal hypertension was confirmed
by history, clinical examination, pathological investigations and radiology.
Patients were
further evaluated for presence of platypnea, cyanosis, clubbing, and angiomas;
the typical associations of HPS. Irrespective of the
grade of cirrhosis and presence of signs and symptoms all selected patients
were evaluated for pulmonary shunt. For this, a transthoracic contrast
echocardiography was done using agitated saline. Visibility of micro-bubbles in
the left atrium between 3 to 6 cardiac cycles after they were seen in
right-atrium indicated micro-bubble passage through an abnormally dilated
vascular bed. A due consent was taken from patients for this examination.
An ABG analysis was done in these patients. ABG
was done in both resting supine position and in sitting upright position after
5 minutes. As per the diagnostic criteria in Table 1, cut-off value for
considering HPS were resting PO2 <80 mmHg and/or ?PO2,
i.e., PO2 (A-a) =15 mmHg. We used resting PO2 in our
study. Using these criteria 5 patients were diagnosed to have HPS. Out of
125 patients, 97 were using propranolol, whereas 28 were not using
propranolol as it was contraindicated in them due to one or more side effects
in them. Propranolol is a drug used in portal hypertension as prophylaxis for
secondary variceal bleeding. Four out of 28 developed HPS, whereas only 1 out
of 97 developed HPS. The Fisher’s exact test statistic value is 0.008887.
The result is significant at p < 0.01.
Out of 125 patients, 5 patients fulfilled the
diagnostic criteria for presence of HPS. The mean age of patients was 52.6
years with standard deviation (SD) = 10.6. Eighty-four were male and 41 were
females. Cause of chronic liver disease were alcoholic liver disease
56 (44.8%), chronic hepatitis B 38 (30.4%), chronic hepatitis C 14
(11.2%), noncirrhotic portal fibrosis 5 (4.0%); others and undetermined causes
12 (9.6%) (Table 2). Others included one case of autoimmune hepatitis. On
the basis of examination and investigation, patients were categorized into
Child’s grade: A = 12, B = 20, and C = 93. On retrospective
evaluation of medical records, it was found that 28 out of 125 patients were
not taking propranolol or any other beta-blocker. They all
had one or two contraindications for using beta-blocker. Beta-blockers are among preferred drugs used
to reduce portal hypertension. Patients were categorized further in Group A (beta-blocker using group) n = 97, and Group B (beta-blocker
contraindicated group) n = 28. In Group A, 1 out of 97 was diagnosed to have
HPS. In Group B, 4 out of 28 patients were diagnosed to have HPS
(Table 3).
The Fisher’s exact
test statistic value is 0.008887. The result is
significant at p < 0.01. Causes of contraindications for beta-blocker use were sinus bradycardia, clinical postural hypotension,
diabetes, prolonged PR interval.
Table 2. Clinical
Characteristics of 125 Study Patients
No. of patients
of CLD
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis C
for beta-blocker contraindications
PR interval
CLD = Chronic
liver disease; NCPF = Noncirrhotic portal fibrosis.
3. Characteristics of 5 Patients with HPS
No. of patients
Mean PaO2
Cirrhosis leads to a hyperdynamic state of
circulation especially in presence of acute or chronic hepatocellular failure2.
Peripheral vasodilatation and reduced peripheral vascular resistance manifests
with peripheral flushing, erythema, decreased blood pressure, and bounding
pulse. Cardiac output is increased to compensate for above. The numerous
functionally inactive arteriovenous fistulas open up due to this profound
vasodilatation. HPS is manifestation of similar mechanism in liver cirrhosis,
which develops when the pulmonary venous shunt is at its extreme3.
Cyanosis and reduced oxygen saturation is a frequent finding in decompensated
cirrhosis4. Various medications are tried in HPS with variable
effectiveness but most do not seems to be effective in its reversal.
Pentoxyphyllin5 and methylene blue6 till date are found
effective up to a certain extent in HPS reversal.
Beta-blockers are among the preferred drugs
for patients with portal hypertension. They are given in titrated doses to
prevent primary and secondary bleeding from esophageal varices. Beta-blockers were clearly declared ineffective in management of HPS7.
Still, there are few hopes in theory favoring them to use in HPS. A case report
published in 1994 by Saunders et al, in which a patient improved from HPS
proved by serial exercise testing8. This patient was on beta-blocker for some time after which he showed signs of improvement.
Although author itself was not able to describe the role of beta-blocker in improvement from HPS still comparing the data from our
study with this case may open the new ways of thoughts in using beta-blockers as prophylaxis or may be for treatment of HPS.
1. Rodríguez-Roisin R , Krowka Mj . Hepatopulmonary Syndrome - A Liver-Induced Lung Vascular Disorder.
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2. Murray Jf , Dawson Am , Sherlock S . Circulatory Changes In Chronic Liver Disease. Am J Med. 1958;24(3):358-67.
3. Rodríguez-Roisin R , Krowka Mj , Hervé P , Fallon Mb ; Ers Task Force Pulmonary-Hepatic
Vascular Disorders (Phd) Scientific Committee . Pulmonary-Hepatic Vascular Disorders (Phd). Eur Respir J. 2004;24(5):861-80.
4. Rodman T , Sobel M , Close Hp . Arterial Oxygen Unsaturation And The Ventilation-Perfusion Defect Of Laennec’s Cirrhosis. N Engl J Med. 1960;263:73-7.
5. Sztrymf B, Rabiller A, Nunes H, Savale L, Lebrec D, Le Pape A, Et Al. Prevention Of Hepatopulmonary Syndrome And Hyperdynamic State By Pentoxifylline In Cirrhotic Rats. Eur Respir J. 2004;23(5):752-8.
6. Schenk P , Madl C , Rezaie-Majd S , Lehr S , Müller C .
Methylene Blue Improves The Hepatopulmonary Syndrome. Ann Intern Med. 2000;133(9):701-6.
7. Rodríquez-Roisin R, Krowka Mj, Hervé P, Fallon Mb; Ers (European Respiratory Society) Task Force-Phd Scientific Committee. Highlights Of The Ers Task Force On Pulmonary-Hepatic Vascular Disorders (Phd). J Hepatol. 2005;42(6):924-7.
8. Saunders Kb, Fernando Ss, Dalton Hr, Joseph A. Spontaneous Improvement In A Patient With The Hepatopulmonary Syndrome Assessed By Serial Exercise Tests. Thorax. 1994;49(7):725-7.