May 2018
From the Desk of Group Editor in Chief
KK Aggarwal
The provisions of Section 15 of Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 deals with right of persons possessing qualifications in the schedules to be enrolled which is reproduced hereunder:.... READ MORE

American Family Physician
timothy F. mott, kelly m. lAtimer
Nearly 4,000 drowning deaths occur annually in the United States, with drowning representing the most common injuryrelated cause of death in children one to four years of age. Drowning is a process that runs the spectrum from brief entry of liquid .... READ MORE

Anuj Malik, Gaurav Gupta, Kamal Bagdi, Ranjeet Singh Virk, Uma Rathi
Objective: To deduce optimal fentanyl infusion dose for effective analgesia with minimal side effects and maximum hemodynamic stability. Material and methods: In our prospective study, comparing the three groups (of 30 patients each) namely group 2.... READ MORE

Dharmendra Jain, Saumya Singh, Madhu Jain, Anjali Rani, Ashish Verma, Shivi Jain
Background: Congenital heart diseases (CHDs) account for a third of all major congenital abnormalities in children; nearly 1,80,000 children are born with heart defect each year in India. Approximately, 10% of present infant mortality in India may b.... READ MORE

Community medicine
Ma Nasar, Tf Subhani, Rr Sinha
In India, particularly in state of Bihar, there are numerous small-scale and medium industries, which use lead-based raw materials that may pose health risks to workers. There are no workplace regulations for lead exposure. Moreover, there are no s.... READ MORE

Critical Care
Sanjiv K Goyal, Sandeep Singh Maavi, Ashish Garg, Vijay Jagad
External jugular vein cannulation is frequently used method for IV access and medications in cases where there is difficulty securing IV access in extremity. It is generally a safe procedure with fairly good technical success rate. Here we discuss a.... READ MORE

Shashidhar G, Suraj R Bhutada, Manjunath U, Prashanth Gk, Vinodh
Background: Magnesium deficiency is proposed factor in pathogenesis of diabetic complications. Hypomagnesemia can be both a cause and consequence of diabetic complications. Objective: The aim of our study was to know the relationships between magne.... READ MORE

Vikasdeep Gupta, Vandana Sharma, Kuldeep Thakur, Vidhu Sharma
A conscious and oriented 37-year-old female presented with a sudden onset small hemorrhagic lesion over the soft palate, which was diagnosed as angina hemorrhagica bullosa. Blood pressure was found to be 220/180 mmHg and there was presence of papil.... READ MORE

Bhavana S
Complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (CAIS) is an X-linked recessive rare disorder in which the individual is phenotypically female and genotypically male; a male pseudohermaphrodite. CAIS is suspected when the individual is evaluated for primar.... READ MORE

Mohamed Iliyas, Sundaramurthy
Hypersecretion of growth hormone (GH) before the fusion of epiphysis results in gigantism, while acromegaly results after the epiphyseal fusion. The average life expectancy of an acromegalic patient is 10 years less than the average population and t.... READ MORE

Tuhina Parveen Sarwala, Manish N Mehta, Ajay C Tanna, Jemima Bhaskar, Rajesh Sadiya
Internal Medicine
Lance-Adams syndrome (LAS) is a rare complication of a successful cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and is often accompanied by post-hypoxic action myoclonus. Less than 200 cases have been reported in medical literature till date. A 50-year-old f.... READ MORE

Meet M Thacker, Manish N Mehta
Lance-Adams syndrome (LAS) is a rare complication of a successful cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and is often accompanied by post-hypoxic action myoclonus. Less than 200 cases have been reported in medical literature till date. A 50-year-old f.... READ MORE

Sumitra Yadav, Anita Singh, Niyati Jain
Fusion anomalies of uterus results in a variety of uterine shapes which cause increased incidence of miscarriage, poor fetal growth, malpresentation and abnormal placental adherence in such cases. Prevalence of uterine anomalies in general populatio.... READ MORE

Munish Mahajan, Vijay J Jagad
Castleman’s disease (CD), a rare disease of lymph nodes and related tissues is an atypical lymphoproliferative disorder. It occurs in two forms unicentric and multicentric. Unicentric CD commonly occurs in the mediastinal region. Here we present a .... READ MORE

Amit Agrawal, Rajesh Dulani, Anil Agarwal
We report a case of extensive dorso-lumbar en-plaque meningioma that was mimicking ligamentum flavum hypertrophy and review the literature. A 65-year-old male presented with history of low back pain of 2-year duration with worsening of the pain sin.... READ MORE

Devendra Mishra, Ashok Kohli, Raj Bala Yadav, Subhash Chandra
Objective: To determine the etiological profile of pancytopenia in pediatric patients in India. Material and methods: Medical records review of a 5-year period between 1st September 1997 and 31st August 2002. Clinical and hematological data of all .... READ MORE

Jagannath Kulkarni, Sanjiv Kumar Goyal, Girish Singla
Background: The unusual urge to eat cotton fibers is usually seen in people whose mental health is affected. Presentation could be in the form of trichophagy (eating hair), followed by trichobezoar or phytobezoar (eating vegetable fibers), which is.... READ MORE

SR Mittal
A 7-day-old female infant born of full-term normal delivery was referred for evaluation of a systolic murmur in left lower parasternal region. Electrocardiogram (ECG) revealed P-pulmonale with right axis deviation and prominent RS configuration in l.... READ MORE

This first appeal has been filed by the complainant before the State Commission and appellant herein, being aggrieved by the order of the State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, Delhi (hereinafter referred to as the ‘State Commission’) which ha.... READ MORE

union health minister chairs high level review meeting on leprosy and tb.... READ MORE

Spiritual Update
KK Aggarwal
Everyone is born with a passport with a defined battery life to live up to 100 years after which one has to go back to renew or recharge the batteries..... READ MORE

Lighter reading
Stock Broker Patient: “Doctor, what should I do if my temperature goes up five more points?” Intensivist: “Sell!”.... READ MORE

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